The Dream For An Open Visa Policy In Africa For Africans
One day, you make up your mind and decide to travel and see the rest of the world plus what it has to offer far away from home. This seems like a wonderful idea and the best way to learn mor... Read more
It’s High Time Uganda Protected Its Telecom Consumers
In an effort to stamp out counterfeit devices often used for fraudulent transactions on mobile payment systems and perpetrating other crimes, the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority... Read more
Identifying The Right Smartphone For Your Needs
Today, it doesn’t take you a minute to see someone scrolling, chatting or just playing a game on their smartphone. The quick question then would be, how does one identify a smartphone... Read more
How To Be Accommodating During Ramadan For Non- Muslims
Living in a multi- religious society sometimes can breed misunderstandings, but it does not have to be that way. We have to learn how to accommodate other people’s beliefs and be unde... Read more
Have you ever looked at Jenifer Lopez and couldn’t believe how HOT she looks at her age? (She was born in 1969) How about Rihanna? That skin looks like it has never known a pim... Read more
The Jokes Photographers Share
A few subjects come to mind when a Parliament inquiry delves into some of the humourless disciplines. Photography is top of the list. But what jokes do the snappers share? I can tell... Read more
Embrace Fatherhood: A Father’s Day Message
19th of June, we celebrate Father’s day. It’s the fathers turn. It is hard not to feel undone as a father. The attention accorded to the mothers may come off as a large cauldron of hyp... Read more
How To Make Money While Traveling
There are people who have such an unrivaled passion for traveling and seeing the world, that if you asked them to drop whatever they are doing and go to another country, they will do... Read more
Why You Might Need Travel Insurance
A frequent traveler that spends more time traversing the globe, be it for work or just plain old adventure knows that it involves sudden unexpected circumstances that need immediate attentio... Read more
That Awkward Moment When You Forget Your Buddy’s Birthday
(Disclaimer: Brace yourself for a high level of mixed ‘Luganda’ and slang.) Mbu I missed your birthday, is that true? I’ve realised Facebook has bad manners. This mo... Read more