Situation one: When a man asks a girl out on a date and she invites her entire cabinet of girlfriends. A Crowded date scene is the worst experience any man would love. Some girls who are not interested in a man can invite male friends to your date just to annoy you to death.
A couple sitting at a bar and looking irritated.
Do not reward bad behavior in your life and do not allow to suffer silently. The flood of girls may convert the date into an interview rather than a conversation. The flood of girls will drain your wallet.
How to handle
- As a single man, always have a buddy on speed dial for help. When she shows up with a crowd of friends on a date, create an emergency. Invite an equivalent number of male buddies to the date so they help you occupy the other girls. The goal of the date is to have a special moment with your one queen bee.
- If you notice her football team of girlfriends in your presence, fake an emergency you have to respond to and flea the area. Do not take on such damage. The experience of shame will surely stop a cycle of repetition for such bad manners.
- Surprise your date by simply sitting on another table. Surely she will gladly join you if she knows what she wants.
- Situation two: Managing a date on shoestring budget.Most Ugandan women are known to be allergic to footing bills and addicted to not sparing any expense given the opportunity on a date. As men you can have fun without straining your wallet.
How to handle
- Go out to places that are affordable. Stick to places you can afford or else you will be embarrassed.
- Learn to control what she can orders on a date psychologically. For example what soda will you take? This makes her forget about ordering anything out of that range like Tequila or black label.
- Spend less by going out to areas running half price promotions on beer, movies, buffet and pizza at half price if she allows. Remember girls are highly competitive and want t be special. She may refuse to take her favourite beer just because it is on promotion that night in that bar.
- Situation three: wasteful woman. When a woman is taken out on a date but decides to waste food and drinks. She takes only two forks and stops eating. Sometimes even a date at home can give you clues on how wasteful she is. A friend of mine took out a girl on a date and bought grilled fish. She only ate the eyes and stopped. She could bring out all saucers, cups, and plates for even a one course meal of popcorn when disposable plates could do.
How to handle
- Be a gansta and pump sense into her .Assure her that it is bad manners to waste food yet many people are starving.
- You can simply take it as a challenge and eat the food she has abandoned. You can also ask the waiter to pack food as takeaway. Surprisingly she may be the first to taste food when you reach home.
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