After hearing a woman’s chilling confession on radio of how she be-witched her ex- husband who had found himself another woman, I was left in utter shock because she showed no remorse for her actions. This man’s love life had completely gone down the drains as no woman he ever loved reciprocated his love. He was bound to the “shadow” of his ex-wife. They say “Hell has no fury like a woman that’s been scorned” and in my opinion, this is a typical example of that.
Love portions..
This got me thinking, does “juju” really work when it comes to love? Well in this particular case, it apparently worked! How? , don’t ask me and to be quite frank, I still can’t get my head around this “juju” thing.
It comes as no shock and I can boldly say that the majority of people who practice juju are the women! However, this does not mean that the men are innocent. Only difference here is while a woman would use juju to find love, a man would use it to acquire riches. Irony just.
Its either a woman looking for love, a child, or usually and most cases seeking vengeance over her enemies which in this case could be a “side dish” that their man is secretly having an affair with or a co-wife commonly known as “omujja” in luganda.
[related_posts]I took a stroll one day through down town and noticed that most of the circles of women usually discuss problems they are facing in life or their marriages amongst each other. But what stood out most was the fact that their peers advise them to visit “witch doctors” and just like in hospitals where there is a doctor specialized in treating a particular ailments, so are the witch doctors. The women know who to go to for which ever problem you have and they will gladly offer you the numbers or even take you there themselves.
During my campus days, I witnessed a scene of complete absurdity. A girl residing in my hostel was busted smoking a pipe commonly known as “emiindi” at 4am in the loos! (toilets). Why else would she be doing it if not to trap an innocent, unsuspecting guy out there? I personally fear for men especially my brothers because with all these babes out there willing to do anything to get what they want is quite scary.
I bet all of you have watched Nigerian movies that portray juju a lot. Infact the word “juju” was got from these Nollywood movies. Does that mean that the movie industry has somehow boosted the use of juju today? Or are people self consciously embracing this practice?
Well, I have been to Nigeria and the first thing everyone would ask me when I returned was,” Is the juju for real?”. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but YES, juju is for real and it exists everywhere. Naija babes would equally do anything to get what they want! More like “go-getters” .Only difference is, when they do it, they go all the way. A man will literally come begging on his two knees for her love! And as if that’s not enough, they will turn him to a complete “mumu”, a human puppet until they rob him clean of all his riches!
I hope my Naija friends are not reading this o. Abeg no vex. Truth be told “juju” exists in all countries around the world but ironically the whites refer to it as “black magic”! Clearly it’s a black thing.
With this, I rest my case.