Once again the season of Easter is edging closer and as we know it begins with the Ash Wednesday when Christians begin the Lenten period. Lent marks the 40 days before Easter (excluding Sundays) and it begins this Wednesday 10th February. It is a liturgical season focused on repentance, penitence, and preparation. Many Christians have come to think of it in negative terms; however, it is a positive, strengthening, lovely spiritual experience, it helps you grow in your love of God and your neighbor.
Here are the things to do in this Lenten period.
Fasting & Abstinence: Christians worldwide are expected to fast and abstain. This is denying oneself the pleasures of this world as a way of getting closer to God. Catholics do not eat meat every Wednesday and Friday through the lent period as well.
Praying: For the forty days of Lent, start and end each day with prayer. Because of the pressures of life, most people don’t get time to pray. Christians are advised to spend some time with God through prayer each day.
Bible Reading: Do this daily, as well. Since we are living in an era where bibles are everywhere within our reach like on our phones. Take time to read the bible and meditate on the word of God.
Corporate Worship: Corporate worship is a basic Christian duty. Make a commitment not to miss one single Sunday in God’s House this Lenten season. Jesus told us to do this, (Luke 22:19; 1Cor 11:24-25) so let’s do it together, every single Sunday.
Works Of Mercy: There are two types of Works of mercy.
- Spiritual Works of Mercy, which include; converting the sinner, instructing the ignorant, counseling the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving transgressions, praying for the living and the dead.
- Corporal Works of Mercy include; feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, harboring the stranger, visiting the sick, ministering to prisoners, burying the dead. These make you closer to other Christians and increase on the mercy we show our brethren.
In his annual Lenten message, Pope Francis has warned the “proud, rich and powerful” that if they ignore the poor at their door, who represent Christ himself, they will end up in the solitude of hell. The Pope’s Lenten message was released in Kampala by the Apostolic Nunciature on Saturday. The 40 day period prepares Christians for Easter Sunday that is March 27.