Africa is known for chronic poor time management. In fact some people in Africa seem to have two versions of time.
Wake up alarm
The European version which is accurate and the African version where you add about two hours to the agreed European time.
Today almost every electronic gadget has wake up alarms but why are people still late. The issue is not that alarm gadgets are not delivering.
There is simply lack of the impeccable skills to effectively manage time with wake up alarm systems in Africa. At least everyone has used a wake-up alarm system in their life.
It may have been a gadget, loud mosque speaker, or someone waking you up at a specific time of the day. This article gives tips on mastering the politics of wake up alarms and task reminders
Wake up alarms and task reminders require effective use. The user must be able to speak their technical language by ensuring that they have set the right time zones and hour cycles.
Task reminders work just like wake up alarms. They simply remind you of any scheduled tasks for the day at the most appropriate time.
These reminders can apply to meetings, cooking tasks, and events. Get gadgets that are able to have more battery time.
Do not rely only on wake-up alarm systems that run on electricity with all this load shedding we have. Invest in gadgets with batteries you can easily replace or get solar.
Understand your personal weakness. If it is never easy for you to get out of bed then snooze time settings must be frequent so you are irritated. For those with many gadgets, it is advisable you activate for example wake up alarms on your phone, TV, Radio, watch, Tab and laptop.
This will help you get out of bed to switch off the alarms. You can not be in bed any longer if over five alarms have gone on in one house. Do not put them next to your bed.
If you are the kind of person who wakes up to snooze all the alarms and get back to bed then you need come up with more drastic measures.
Plan to do house chores like ironing after an alarm goes on so you fight the resistance to sleep. I have some friends who have asked their friends to make daily wake-up call pledges. They call to wake up each other.
The other drastic trick is to set the wake up alarm ten minutes to the exact time you have a class, meeting or appointment. There is a higher possibility that will not snooze.
This will mean you will jump out of bed and if the worst comes to the worst you do general body cleaning on your way to the appointment.
Have you ever been in a taxi and realized your neighbor is combing their hair, wearing perfume and applying makeup. These are things any one must do at home before they hit the road.
Some gadgets give you options to select an alarm tone of your choice and also turn up the volume. Always pick a very annoying alarm tone like those of trucks selling ice-cream.
It is not totally a bad idea to use your favourite song as a wake up alarm tone if it does not get you more relaxed in bed. You may enjoy your favourite song and fail to get out of bed.
Reward yourself every time you are not late because of a wake up alarm. This helps motivate you to master wake-up alarm system usage as a life skill.
Ivan .N.Baliboola
PR and organizational diagnosis specialist