I am at a point in my life where I am so excited, hopeful and a bit scared because am getting out of my comfort zone to do what I really love and what heartily makes me happy. You may call it following my dream, yes … that makes perfect sense because am just starting out. I am pursuing my dream as a stylist, to be exact a ‘fashion collector for ladies’ clothing.’
My unique technique is not about sales maximization but rather making my clients feel good about their bodies and their well matched outfits. I believe clothes say a lot about an individual before they utter a word.
With all these plans, dreams and imaginations running in my mind, I am aware that new beginnings are always uncomfortable and unpredictable. Usually, one is not sure of what to expect after taking the first step. The first step could be investing your life time savings, resigning from that awesome job or leaving that partner holding you back … among so many other ‘sacrifices’. It’s always different for everyone. But hey, if you want to get somewhere you have to do something about it.
New beginnings are transitions which can have both opportunities and challenges. Moving from employment to self employment or one relationship to another is not the easiest move in the world. But in the end we are all capable of so much more than we think, yet we are too scared to move towards our dreams because we fear the outcome.
I think to be successful, one has to stand out and do something they’re passionate about, draw up a plan and believe that it works. Do not fear to fail, it is through failing that we learn and improve what we thought was the ‘perfect’ plan. This, however, does not mean that everyone has to first fail.
You might hear negative words, welcome them! Use them to better yourself because at the end of the day, the choice is in your hands. “You can raise the bar or you can wait for others to raise it, but it’s getting raised regardless. Often family, friends and other people will tell you “… it cannot be done, you’re too young to do business or you’re such a princess to do that work;” but we all know Cinderella was a great princess yet a hard worker so all that should not make you doubt what you want to do.
I should probably mention this as well: for the ladies, other people may think you’re getting money from wrong sources ( … and that hurts especially if you have been saving and foregoing all the nice shoes, handbags and clothes … ) saving for your dream. But people will always criticize no matter what you do, therefore criticism shouldn’t bring you down but instead it should motivate you to work harder and be open to whatever comes your way, and use it as an impetus for growth.