Uganda’s leading 4G Internet Service Provider Vodafone has contributed Ushs10 million towards the NSSF Kampala Hash Run which aims at collecting funds to renovate Kampala Public Schools.
NSSF-Hush Run
The second edition event, this year targets to raise Shs200 million which will go towards the renovation of 3 primary schools – Makerere Primary School, Summit View Army Primary School and completion of works at Nakivubo Settlement Primary School.
The selected schools are in dire need for an overhaul, they are characterized with leaking roofs, mud floors, dilapidated walls with no windows.
Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is mandated to provide and support them with quality learning environments. The City authority is challenged with a limited budget coupled with Land compensation for schools sitting on land owned by private individuals which leaves a lot of these schools in a vulnerable state, with the children studying in a less than desirable learning environment.
KCCA this year has budgeted Ushs500million, an amount which can only facilitate refurbishment of one school out of the six most needy, however, 90% of the 79 city schools are remain in need of refurbishment.
“Education is one of Vodafone Uganda’s key focus areas and Next Generationers are a key segment in our business. We partnered with the NSSF as our contribution to the transformation of a generation we foresee as tomorrow’s leaders, and providing a conducive learning environment is critical to building this nation” Ms. Progress Chisenga noted.
Last year’s Hash Run raised about Shs65 million which went into the renovation of Nakivubo Settlement Primary School and the construction of a water facility at St. Ponsiano Kyamula Primary School.
The Hash Run is set take place on 12th March, 2017 – starting from Pearl Africa Primary School, Nsambya, covering 21KM around the seven major hills of Kampala city (Nakasero, Kibuli, Old Kampala, Namirembe, Rubaga, Lubiri and Nsambya). It is expected to draw around 1,000 runners, all dedicated to improving the lives of children in schools managed by KCCA.