“Breathe” Lilly instructed her reflection in the oval shaped mirror above the sink in the cream tiled bathroom of the mall. “You can do this.” She said to her dry lipped self .She fished in her bag for her lip gloss and puckered her lips to apply a coat of Victoria Secrets “chocolate lips” gloss, a gift from Dan from Dubai duty free.
Dan, her husband, her man was also the father of her beautiful boy – Mark whose dark completion and beautiful brown friendly eyes would someday melt many young girls hearts (Just like his father).
Dan and Lilly had been married 10 years before Mark came along and when he did, Lilly’s heart could not help but burst with love as she would watch her husband with their son. A good father, he was there for his son from the very beginning, from changing diapers to taking Mark to his very first football game.
As a husband, Dan was equally good. Attentive, caring, ridiculously handy around their small yet comfortable home in Entebbe … and a passionate lover. No, Lilly could not complain about that. As far as bedroom satisfaction went, he was a 10/10 on the scoreboard.
Lilly felt blessed to have such a man, she had heard her friends suffering and bitter complaints several times over weekly coffees they would have. They would often say how they felt their needs were not being met in the bedroom otherwise and that making love was now more a chore than anything else. They often said how they felt their men had “side dishes” because there was no spark in their sex lives.
One time her friend Cally complained that her husband was too rough in bed and that recently had acquired a new fetish for biting her hard wherever he saw fit during the final throes of their love making.
Lilly suggested that perhaps she should go with it or alternatively discuss it with him and explain she did not like what he was doing. Cally laughed and said she was afraid if she even mentioned it; he might stop making love to her altogether and go elsewhere to find pleasure.
Lilly frowned at this, she couldn’t imagine Dan doing that to her, he was so different, understanding and she was sure if ever she had a problem with him in bed she could tell him and he would do what it took to make it right.
Now, in the cool, dank, bleach smelling bathroom of the mall, she thought about that day just a few months ago when she was so sure of her husband Dan, what he was like in bed, what they were like in bed, and how things change in such a short time.
It all began after Mark began school at a popular catholic boarding school near Entebbe; they dropped him off together and promised to come visit him during long weekends. On the drive back home, Dan took her hand and kissed it tenderly and said “ Alone again.“ Lilly felt her heart skip a beat, although she was sad to see her little boy off to boarding school, she was also excited that now they would have more time together as a couple, and who knows? Maybe there was a chance of them having another child. Mark was now 12 years old almost a teen. It was time.
That night as they got ready for bed after a sumptuous meal that they both prepared together, Lilly slipped into, what she considered, her sexiest lingerie. Smiling at the sensation of “butterflies” in her tummy she opened to the door to the bathroom and stepped out into the bedroom to find Dan standing by the bed with a pair of handcuffs and a small horse whip, the kind she had seen at the racecourse when she was younger when her father would take her along on business trips in Nairobi.
Her mouth fell open and she felt her body tense. She was offended, what the hell was this? “I thought we could try something new tonight my love,“ he said as gently as possible. Lilly, still unable to speak had only ever read about this sort of thing in Cosmopolitan magazines and most recently, in a best-selling book which she could hardly finish as there were far too many whips and chains.
“Omg this was what Cally was talking about! New things in the bedroom! If I don’t participate he will go looking for this somewhere else!” Lilly thought in a panic. She took a few deep breaths, she felt light-headed. “Dan … I … don’t” she began, but in two swift steps Dan was already near her kissing her neck softly, she backed away starting again: “Dan, I don’t know if I am comfortable with this.“ He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard, sending electric waves down her spine. He felt warm, familiar and safe and soon she could feel herself, falling into his lustful kiss, hot on her lips.
Lilly woke from an exhausted sleep, as she stirred; she felt the sting of a welt from the horse whip across her right thigh. She turned her head to look over at her sleeping husband, he looked so peaceful, happy, satisfied. Lilly drew in a long breath and recalled the night before, at first; the horse whip had stung, bringing tears to her eyes. Dan caressed her body and reassured her with his electrifying soft kisses. The hot stings from the whip got better and more bearable after a while and Lilly even found herself looking forward to being struck again and again. The handcuffs came out half way through and she hardly noticed because by that time Lilly was too deeply engrossed in the naughty pleasure she was experiencing from pain.
Lilly smiled to herself in the silence of the bedroom, she felt like she was on top of the world, not only had she just tried something totally unexpected of her but she actually enjoyed it. Even better, her man was by her side, snoring happily and she had done what her friends couldn’t. Keep their men sexually happy.
Later on that day,after sending Dan off to work, Lilly received a text from Dan “I really like what we did last night, you were wonderful. Thank you.“ Lilly blushed and decided that she was not going to let this get awkward and take her own advice and go with it and when she felt uncomfortable she would tell him. She would never let him stray.
Many weeks of sexual experimentation followed, each one as exciting as the next, role playing, new positions,,and new toys and soon it was almost time to go see Mark for the long Independence weekend. Dan decided to surprise Lilly by taking her out to dinner and to the new club that had opened at the new mall. Lilly had a surprise of her own …for the longest time, Dan had talked about making love in a public place to which Lilly declined she was shy but she had read on the internet about the thrill of public love making and more and more she wanted to try it.
As she finished applying her lip gloss Lilly checked her long black coat in the full length mirror off to left. The silk lining of her coat was soft against her bare skin; she could almost see the delight in her husband’s eyes as she would untie the belt and reveal her naked body to him wherever they chose to make love.
Lilly blew herself a kiss and let herself out into the cool air of the courtyard where her man, Dan stood waiting to escort her upstairs to the club …