I was jogging recently and saw a large crowd of people uphill. I thought there was an accident, so I increased my speed hoping to apply my first aid skills to save a life. When I got closer, I realized the crowd had assembled to watch a fight between lovers.
The man was shouting on top of his voice how his wife is never content with what he gives her. He also doubted if he was the right father of the children. The wife also reacted by accusing him of not leaving enough table money. This is money a man leaves home for the house wife to use for shopping. The woman finally made a shocker allegation that made the crowd to clap. She alleged that his man is not great in bed. She accused him of refusing to be taught on bedroom matters. This angered the man who grabbed her and started to beat her. Soon their clothes were messed up and the woman’s breasts were peeping. No one wanted to intervene and help them.
Why would a relationship you made privately become a matter of public debate? The Public has never offered solutions to marital problems. Couples that fight each other in the public just bring more shame to themselves. The public has all age groups and children may make it a habit to shout at you every time they see you. There are no regrets in love. There say love is blind. You make the best decision with the information you have then. You do not go back in time and change some aspects.
If you truly love someone, then be respectful enough on how you confront them about their mistakes .Relationship misunderstandings should not end in court, Local council meetings and outside the bedroom. The only people who should discuss misunderstanding should be parents not strangers.
Lovers must Control their anger when in the public. There is a couple that came to a washing bay in a car. In a matter of seconds, the woman came out. The Woman picked a stone and hit the car windscreen when the man was still in. The man was not severely injured. The woman was bitter because the man was not able to buy her a new phone. What if the stone had killed the man instantly? How can she explain her innocence?
You would rather keep quiet or walk away to show your pain in the relationship. Getting physical does not solve anything most of the time. It is impossible to make up for reckless statements you make out of anger. If you told them they are not great in bed publicly, they will never get over it. It would not be an issue if you shared such feedback privately with them. It is best you offer solutions on how you feel the situation can be handled better. If your partner starts a war, ignore and do not respond in the same currency. Wait for an opportunity to have a healthy talk.