Having suspected I was hooked on the sweet stuff. It was time to restore my brain to its normal sugar state. Resetting taste and eradicating cravings wasn’t easy, but i made it possible. Try this five phase plan I used.
Most beverages contain sugar
Eliminate Sugary Beverages
If you’re anything like the average person, you drink nearly 70,000 calories of liquid sugar per year. Sipping sweet, fibreless beverages like soft drinks increases your insulin levels and indicates major cravings. Over a period of two weeks, cut out all such drinks with straight water.
Quit Sugary Junk Foods
Cakes, cookies, candy bars press pause. When you can, opt for fresh food over processed snacks because they contain 80 per cent of added sugar. Over the next two weeks, edit out all sugary junk. Substitute in fruits when cravings start up.
Reduce Simple Carbohydrates
Chances are, by this point you’ve halved your sugar dependence and shed some serious pounds. Next, tackle simple carbohydrates, which act just like straight sugar in your body. Make a list of the refined foods you typically eat e.g. bread and reduce them one by one over the next two weeks.
Watch for Hidden Sugars
Thisis the trickiest and could take a full two-three weeks to master. Because hidden sugars can’t be easily traced you could still be ingesting lots of sweet stuff. So keep a critical eye on ingredient labels onsauces, and salads. Also, be cautious of “sugar-free” offerings some are packed with simple carbohydrates instead.
Keep It Up
It’s all right to indulge every now and then, but pay close attention to your cravings. A slice of cake might be okay, but it could push you over the addictive edge.
If a sweet grub leaves you yearning for more, you will know you are particularly vulnerable to sugar’s powerful pull. Major bright side: Once you have kicked the habit and your taste buds are back to normal, fruits will taste super sweet and satisfyingand massive amounts of added sugar will taste like what they areabominably sweet.