In a bid to promote cashless banking by encouraging increased usage of debit and credit cards Stanbic Bank Uganda today held a trolley dash for three lucky frequent Stanbic card users in a promo dubbed the ”.
Stanbic Bank staff Damalie Sajjabi(left),Unnie Luwaga (2nd right) and Wayne Cook(right) pose for a picture with the three lucky winners of the first StanbicXmasDash campaign draw at the Capital Shoppers in Ntinda,Kampala today. The winners(middle left to right) Elvana Odoi , Maria Nattabi, Denis Wokiyi participated in a festive campaign which aims to encourage cashless banking by increased usage of debit and credit cards.
The three lucky customers Elvania Odoi, Maria Nattabi and Dennis Wokiyi, were given the chance to pick as much merchandise as possible from capital shoppers in Ntinda in a 60 second time period.
Speaking at the start of the dash, Stanbic’s Credit and Debit Card Manager Damalie Sajjabi said, “Digital channels and related technologies represent the future of banking because they facilitate transactions and put the customer increasingly in control of their overall financial undertakings. As Uganda’s leading bank Stanbic appreciates this new reality which is the reason why we have invested so heavily in developing the latest technological platforms and promoting their usage.”
According to statistics from BOU despite the spread of mobile money and launch of debit cards by most financial institutions cash remains the most widely spread payment method in the country accounting for over 80% of all retail transactions.
Talking about how long the promotion would run for and how customers can enter the competition Damalie explained, “The competition is running on our social media pages from 8th to 31st December 2016. It is meant to reward and encourage our clients to use digital channels because they represent a fast convenient and safe transacting especially in periods like these where carrying large amounts of cash can be risky.”
She continued, “All debit and credit card holder customers stand a good chance of winning because we have partnered with over 20 organisations in a variety of categories. Restaurants, Super markets, Hospitals, Fuel stations and Air travel.”
To participate a customer simply has to like the Stanbic Bank facebook page (@Stanbicug) and or follow us on Twitter ().
While they are on these platforms they will then upload a selfie of themselves with the purchase receipt by their card with a minimum of UGX 50,000. One can use the voucher earned instead of the receipt in the selfie.
Each minimum purchase earns a UGX 20,000 voucher which qualifies the customer to become a lucky winner in the draws. Finally all entries enter a random draw and get the chance to become one of the participants in the trolley dash.
The participating outlets by category are:- (Restaurants):- Café Javas, Mythos Greek, Tarvena, The Bistro, Piato Restaurant, KFC, Pizza Hut, Riders Uganda Ltd, Eucupirien-Kololo. (Supermarkets): Game Lugogo, Quality, Capital Shoppers, Nakumatt, Embassy, Jazz, Risko Kids, Pep Store. (Hospitals): Nakasero Hospital, Pan Dental Surgery, Dr. Agwarwal Eye Hospital. (Fuel stations): Total and City Oil. (Air Travel): Rwandair Kampala.
“I encourage all our customers to continue participating in the , this is just the first of three lucky draws you can enter the draw as many times as you want. I wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable festive season, ” Damalie concluded.