Are you ready to sell your house? Have you checked every small detail that will help you sell your house? Many homeowners neglect the small aspects of the house when selling it. Repairing the house solely will not help your property sell fast, other small details like cleaning, painting and setting up your house might seem trivial but actually play an important part in helping you sell your house quickly. When marketing your property o line it is important that the images that are uploaded depict a property that you the seller would want to buy. People are usually attracted to things that please their eyes, so it is important to put that into consideration when setting up your house for sale.
There are several things that need to be done before you put up your house for sale. Use the checklist below provided by Jumia House to help you set up your property for sale
Tidy Up: It is important to tidy up all the clutter that might be around your house especially if you are hosting an open house. If the house is cluttered then you will not be able to have the full attention of the house or display the property in all its glory. So make sure all the clutter is out of site before you put up it up for viewing.
Clean Up: No matter how attractive and valuable your property a dusty and dirty house will not sale and you will lose several potential customers. Dust, scrub, mop, wash and polish every possible surface in the house especially corners and cupboards that could have gone unnoticed over the years. If you do not have enough help, you can hire professional cleaners or hire friends and family.
Add a fresh coat of paint: Walls and surfaces often gather smudges, scratches or simple dirt from over the years and will not look attractive to prospective buyers. A fresh coat of paint will give your property that “new” house feeling and entice prospective buyers. Choosing the right color of paint is also important as this will make or break your opportunity to make a quick sale.
Aesthetical appeal: it is important that your property is appealing to the eye before you put it up for sell. This can usually be achieved by the write lighting and decorations. Do not be afraid to open the windows and set up some props to make your property attractive. People like seeing a home that is attractive stock on some throw pillows and paintings. This will enhance the look and feel of the rooms.
Detail, Detail: Every detail counts when it comes to selling your house so do not neglect even the smallest of details. If you think everything is perfect role play with a friend and see what they notice that you might have neglected. Every small detail counts in this situation do let something as small as a squeaky door handle lose you a sale.