Of Multi Billion Farms And Adoption; Open Letter To Muhanga
Dearest Muhanga, beloved Honourable and mother of I don’t know how many. By the Way You’re Pretty Cute Let me gloat freely for once. It’s maturity and not youth that... Read more
Dedication To The Ladies And Gentlemen In Public Service
Public transport plays a key role in ensuring minimum convenience for many people who cannot afford their own means of travel. However, very few of the daily public transport users ha... Read more
Are We Encouraging Corruption And Exploitation?
Over the weekend I spent a day in Isingiro, a rural district in western Uganda, with a few youths who consider themselves more educated and knowledgeable than the village people. We had disc... Read more
Is Uganda’s Parliament Secure?!
It is the 27th of February, 2015 and the long awaited day is finally upon us. Definitely at a small cost of…ahem, a few billion shillings. There is absolutely no question whether the... Read more
In 29 Years, What Should Ugandans Celebrate?
We are only a step away from marking three complete decades under the stewardship of a one Kaguta Museveni as head of state. That does not sound like a long time until you put it into contex... Read more
How Power Can Be As Addictive As A Drug

Being in control feels good and to be “out of power” is a very tough transition to make especially after experiencing all the benefits of power. Power really does corrupt minds, as scientist... Read more
Why Do Governments Promise More Than They Can Offer?

It sad when people’s promises never come to pass but even more sad when governments promise to do many things but a handful is accomplished. On Monday, I read something that triggered... Read more
Corruption, A Disease Of The Mind That Has Consumed Ugandans

Corruption has become a parasite that feeds on Ugandans and cannot be killed. It is like a disease plaguing Uganda and has become incurable. It has been rendered the most difficult di... Read more
Why Do Leaders Wait To Respond When Harm Has Already Been Done?

Most leaders and presidents often wait to react to events or catastrophes when harm has already been done. Why is it that when a landslide, mudslide, tornado, bomb blast, accident or terrori... Read more