Who does not want to go to a hotel and have a beautiful view of their surroundings from their room? You look through the window or stand on your patio with a view that relaxes your mind and... Read more
If you have never explored the treasures that East Africa has to offer to you; with the new 90 day free visa that can take you through all member countries, here are a few of our favorites t... Read more
Finding work is the biggest challenge facing fresh graduates in Uganda. Every year over 400,000 graduates flood the job market and only 150,000 are likely to be absorbed. Two things are the... Read more
Are ‘Geeks’ In Uganda Top Performers At Jobs And Wealthier In Life?

From the minute we learn to read and write, we are pumped with knowledge and expected to be at the top of all classes and levels we reach. Parents, teachers and students at times kill our eg... Read more
Simple Ways How Votes Can Be Stolen On Voting Day In Uganda

In the coming weeks, Ugandans will be busy electing leaders at different levels. This process will tee off with electing the person to take over the office of President and Members of Parlia... Read more
A Toast To An Amazing Country Called Uganda

The things that go on in Uganda are simply amazing. Regardless I do love this country. It is simply one of a kind. Democracy is the norm. Should Mr. Museveni lose the elections, Eng. Badru K... Read more
It is hard to believe that this was once a rich, free, happy, proud, independent land unbothered about and undisturbed by the rest of the world. It still is some of those things by the way.... Read more
Ugandans have always been enterprising people and have never been terrified to start their own businesses. While starting a new business can be a terrifying decision, it is also very liberat... Read more
Kampala being the capital city of Uganda is not really the destination most tourists aim for when they visit the country, but it has many beautiful gems that are scattered all over the hills... Read more