When traveling to a place you have never been to, there are several things you have to research about the region before you pack your bags and make it your home for a few weeks depending on... Read more
Uganda’s beauty is undeniable and the people are so accommodating that you never want to leave. There is something that is so underrated in this country though, the food! Ugandan food is del... Read more
It’s a very saddening fact that my country has fallen victim of a land crisis. What I see and seems good to me is what I get – such is the mindset of the rich that seek land ownership.... Read more
The SDGs agenda is sure to leave a lasting impression in the lives of many Ugandans and if not taken by the tide may sweep through the region unnoticed. The world is progressing and a time s... Read more
Cheaply Getting A Campaign Message Out
Talking about Politics isn’t Easy. Some don’t like it, some don’t like talking about it, and some just don’t care. Everything your campaign does must relate back to your message, or it will... Read more
Top 5 Priority Areas For Your Uganda Business In 2015
When the Wall Street Journal assessed what the Top 5 issues for Chief Executive Officers were, one of the top concerns was: Having the business model disrupted by innovation. In the future,... Read more
Right around this time in the year 2014, Uganda forked out $60, 0000 of tax payers’ money, to an American PR firm, Mercury, to sanitize our image on American soil. That was in the wake... Read more
It is only right and just that credit is given where it is due. In as much as this always divides opinion, we all should just learn to give plaudits and recognise a gallant citizen who did s... Read more