Mne love hips
How do you like your steak? Medium rare or well done? How do you take your tea? Spiced or not? How do you like your Mzungu? With some meat or none at all?
I find it interesting to admire, envy or comment on body types and skin tones and to see what people like or don’t! What can be celebrated in one culture and condemned in another! But then again, as the saying goes the “it’s a small world” and at the end of the day human nature prevails! Seems to me that men and women want a partner with some “meat” on them and not to end up hugging a sack of bones at the end of the day.
I remember many years ago being told African men enjoyed women with bigger booties as this allowed for better grasp, better spanking and showed the world they could keep their woman well fed and sexually satisfied! So, all hail to big booties!
Is this still valid or do we like all kind of booties as long as its bootie! And what about Mzungu hips and bums?
[related_posts]What do African men look for in Mzungu women and which type do they go for? Mzungu women freak out at the idea of big hips, rounded bums and excess weight, whilst African women carry it around with much more grace and seemingly effortlessly!
A tall and slim Rwandese girlfriend once told me how she would notice that when she and her big bummed Mzungu friend would enter bars, the white men would look at her whilst the African men would look at the Mzungu!
At the end of the day, as long as someone looks, it should still be ok! But what do you like?