The World is slowly becoming a nation of spectators which has resulted into laziness. We watch people date; clean, build and fight live on TV in series but cannot take the initiative to do the same ourselves. We forget to do what we must do. The issue of a woman reaching out to man for love attracts cultural and religious criticism which is wrong. In the public eye, a female is considered cheap the moment she gets a man herself. The recent provisional 2014 Uganda census results confirmed the fact that women outnumber men in Uganda. It becomes an automatic call for a woman to take up competition for the few men present or wait forever.
Women should start asking me out.
Women should remember that you do not find a man of your dreams in your dreams. You look for him or make him. If you want it, face it head-on. Women should stop thinking that men are angels to know their wishes and feelings towards men. Some men are shy or slow to do anything. In this era, social media is easing instant communication with sites like whatsapp and Facebook. You can say what you want instantly. If a woman gets the courage to ask a man out, a man may be obliged to accept.
A female is in a better position to suggest and convince a man to love her. Making the first move may or may not be limited to words only. Remember Ruth in the Bible. Ruth played her part to win love from Boaz according Ruth 3:7-8.Women have the best tools of work in this area of starting relationships. They can resort to actions as they speak better than words. Tools like Suggesting facial expressions, handshakes, and hugs can lead to success of the strategy.
If Supermarkets came up to satisfy the desire of self service, why are women not selecting their partners? It is a free world. In restaurants, some people wait to be asked to order while others simply walk to the counter and place orders directly. We are living in a very impatient world. Using a go- between to speak out what is in your heart is so ancient and risky. Women should just go up to men, stand like mad cows and tell them those nice words.
With the talk of emancipation, women should prove a point that they are an equal gender whether they can do what men do. There are times you put fear aside especially when it comes to love and eating. As they say necessity obeys no law .If a cap fits, wear it. Women should stop using witchcraft to get men since it is not long-term. Proposal of an affair arises from individual interests. Women can still opt to use internet dating and dating agencies.
We live in a free world, I ask you not to condemn women that do the first move. If you have some taste and feelings, please sort yourself before it is too late. A woman who makes the first move is usually confident which is crucial for any relationship. Why keep it to yourself and yet it is painful. This is the 21 century. How long will women wait. Relationships affect both the man and woman. it’s a joint responsibility to take part in courtship.
Ivan .N.Baliboola