Public transport plays a key role in ensuring minimum convenience for many people who cannot afford their own means of travel.
A prison warder escorts former Ministry of Public Service officials accused of misappropriating taxpayers funds (Daily Monitor Photo)
However, very few of the daily public transport users have any good points to hammer home about public transport other than the fact that it carries us from point A to B.
Today (at the time of writing) was a different day from the rest; I walked out of a taxi with a sense of satisfaction.
A few minutes into my journey, the driver tuned into one of the many morning radio shows on the local airwaves much to the displeasure of most passengers on board since it was painfully loud.
In between the chit-chat of the radio presenters, a local track was played or a commercial. I suddenly found myself nodding my head to a local track, “Mubi Bubbi” loosely translated he/she is just a gold digger, by Maro and David Lutalo.
The song highlights a lady who moved in with her lover with just a polythene bag carrying everything but nothing she owned at the time but now has packed up the lover’s household on a truck…the destination of the household items is yours to imagine.
The track has been receiving massive airplay since its release but I didn’t ever pay attention to it until I saw a newspaper FrontPage carrying yet another corruption triumph by Ugandans in civil service, to be specific the Pension corruption case where billions of money (belonging to none other than you the taxpayer) was pocketed by a few smart (read crafty) Ugandans.
Celebrated public servants are common folk nowadays. However, it is not their unwavering service to this country that is the talk of town but their newly found wealth and their larger than life lifestyles.
They reek of opulence that is somewhat inexplicable. It is not long before the media breaks a fresh corruption scam that the country finds answers to the questions on where all this opulence is coming from –public coffers.
It is then that the true profiles of the corrupt individuals are revealed. And in many a case, the profiles tell a rugs to filthy riches tale.
A story of an individual making it to university through public schools on barefoot for the earlier years and threadbare clothes for the latter years; a story that makes one shudder at the thought an individual stealing from the very system that blessed them with a semblance of comfort.
Very few of those we call dignified Ugandans today come from rich backgrounds. Nearly all are countryside schooled and only came to Kampala in their adulthood for latter education.
It is not just a case of Uganda, the globe is littered with zero to hero/rugs to riches success stories. Stories that inspire others to work hard until the hero becomes zero yet again because he/she couldn’t keep their hands from straying; because he/she had an insatiable appetite for wealth. A story akin to the gold digger depicted on the Mubi Bubbi track.
[related_posts]Here we are, with a bunch of peasants who come to office with nothing but sad tales about a needy past and want to leave with a wealth of what does not belong to them.
If you my reader are such a fellow, have a link to such a fellow please take the honors of passing on my dedication to them. They are nothing but gold diggers.