What was once a rarity has of late become a norm. We can say it is almost trendy although not desirable because it is utterly damning and, above all, bizarre. Even though that too is not easily accepted because of the excitement the release of saucy images portraying the stark nakedness of an individual creates. No one thinks of the matter on the whole as bizarre because the life of the victim is not looked at in detail at that moment but their nakedness if the images are static or their prowess of the individual if the images are motion picture.
What was once a rarity has of late become a norm. We can say it is almost trendy although not desirable because it is utterly damning and, above all, bizarre.
When nude images or “sex tapes” find their way to the public’s dining table, they are devoured with varying sentiments and once the public has had its fill, life moves on. Leaving the victim who has been scandalized to pick up their pieces and makeup. This has become the trend. It no longer carries as much shock as it did in the past due to the frequency of release of such images in recent times. It is no longer a question of what but who? People no longer question if a leak exists but care to know whose leak it is.
There was the infamous “make it nasty” blockbuster from UCU, Desire Luzinda’s images followed, Zari sneaked has in too and now there is another not so popular but known Ugandan local TV news anchor whose between-the-sheets business is public fodder thanks to a video that is making rounds through social media. Going by the rate at which the images circulate, one can tell there’s more yet to come. But then what and how do we fruit from all these scandals as Uganda?!
In my view, the foundation has been laid. Although it is shaky (because it has been built on infamy) we, Ugandans can still hit the ground running with what has been put in place. The culture of leaking something only known to the flies on the wall and the omnipresent as well as omniscient supernatural being (up there in heaven) is gaining ground. The popularity of leaks should not spell doom for Uganda but light at the end of the tunnel. If only we can stray from leaking business between the sheets of two consenting adults to leaking documents and information about the filth in our public institutions and administrative bodies.
It is no secret there’s a chronic disease in Uganda’s public authorities, mismanagement and maladministration that is laced with impunity, corruption and embezzlement of public funds. Reports on corruption have not shown a decline but rather a continued existence of the vice. That alone is a sign there is, as has always been, alot of filth that is swept under the carpet in many a public office. What then are we waiting for?
Before, we always had to wait for an ombudsman to point out the filth where it exists but that has not helped. The vices in public office continue to lurk through the media every day. Speaking of the media, traditional media in specific, we have always had to wait on a newspaper to open a can of worms spewing a massive scandal and they have tried, I cannot fault them on that but they too seem to be chewing meat with barely any teeth. When a scandal is brought to light, we the public are served with more questions than answers. All they do is raise the alarm. Much of the filth is not unearthed. Whether we can fault whoever is teaching the investigative journalists Uganda is producing today is a debate for another day.
My view is, rather than crave for a sex tape or nude images, Ugandans should start craving for leaks from our public offices. In this day and era where everyone has decided to purchase a smartphone (as if they doubt their smartness *upstairs), those in public offices should tell us the public what we badly want to know. Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, name it. The social media platforms are as many as their smartphone owners today but those are the most popular and allow users to have pseudonyms which is a clear green light for anyone fearing that their identity could be revealed too to tell the world about the filth in public service without fear or favour.
In other words, can we have other leaks please other than raunchy images between two adults. Let us leave private matters to be heard in the courts of supernatural beings and instead pick interest in public matters because they do directly impact on our wellbeing.