Bosses come in a surprising variety of shapes: The slave-driver, the screamer, the weirdo, the one who never gives anyone any credit, the manipulator … and guess what? After some time, you b... Read more
Africa is known for chronic poor time management. In fact some people in Africa seem to have two versions of time. The European version which is accurate and the African version where you ad... Read more
One of the best ways to make life easy at work is to understand the different characters and personalities of your workmates, then learn how to deal with them. Some of the characters you are... Read more
Success won’t just fall into your lap. You have to earn it through hard work, dedication, and a great attitude. In order to succeed in your career, you’ll also need to develop t... Read more
My workmates describe me in a lot of ways: But more recently, there seems to be consensus that I tend to be particular when it comes to use of the proper English. Or in more unkind words, th... Read more
Creating an environment of trust based on integrity will make a company improve its productivity and easily identify with its customers. I am impressed or rather still impressed by the self... Read more