Simple Ways How Votes Can Be Stolen On Voting Day In Uganda

In the coming weeks, Ugandans will be busy electing leaders at different levels. This process will tee off with electing the person to take over the office of President and Members of Parlia... Read more
Is there a certain man that your girlfriend interacts with almost all the time, but every time you ask her about him, she assures you that he is ‘just a friend’? The guy calls he... Read more
Cosmopolitan spoke to five women to find out why they were unfaithful in their marriages, and while they found that the underlying issues were all emotional, each woman pointed to a very dif... Read more
Cheating Is A Choice. Stop Accepting Lame Excuses From People
“A woman that truly loves love will stick by your side no matter how much of a womaniser you are trying to be, and that woman is your mother …cause it aint me.” Someone once posted... Read more
For most women, their daily wish consciously and unconsciously is – to have a faithful man that will love ONLY them and treat them like they are ‘ the only girl in the world... Read more
Cheating Is A Choice, Not A Mistake!

“The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones. They erode our strength, our self-esteem, our very foundation.” ―... Read more