I have been trying to gain weight ever since I can remember. I’m grateful that unlike others, I can eat anything in large amounts – and not gain weight.

I have been trying to gain weight ever since I can remember. I’m grateful that unlike others, I can eat anything in large amounts – and not gain weight.
Being able to not gain weight is somewhat frustrating. People look at me and ask “why don’t you eat Dee?” whereas some say “Wow, what a beautiful body you got”, it still isn’t enough. I keep feeling the pressure that I have to “cover some of my bones”. If you aren’t skinny like some of us, you cannot imagine our pain and struggles. I feel self – conscious at times.
And in my quest I have realized there are a few quick ways to add on some weight. These were shared on Livestrong.com.
Increase Calories
You will not be able to gain weight if you do not increase your caloric intake. Anthony Ellis of Iron Magazine recommends eating calories equivalent to at least 18 times your body weight in pounds. Five hundred extra calories a day will add a pound of weight a week.
Eat Calorie-Dense Foods
Gaining weight requires that you seek out foods high in calories. Instead of choosing a clear, broth-based soup at lunch, go for the chili. Snack on nuts instead of popcorn and raisins instead of grapes.
A person seeking to gain weight should never skip meals. Carrying snacks in a gym bag or backpack ensures that you always have something on hand, even if a regular meal is not readily available. Trail mix, energy bars, whole-grain crackers and granola make portable, non-perishable snacks.
Eat Monounsaturated Fats
The American Heart Association advises people to limit their consumption of saturated and trans fats, while focusing on heart healthy monounsaturated varieties. Fat is calorically dense and contains nine calories per gram—so add it to your meals as an accent. A person seeking to gain weight may toss pasta with olive oil, spread nut butter on toast or slice avocado on top of sandwiches.
Strength Training
Lifting weights helps to create more lean muscle mass. Heavy free weights—like barbells and dumbbells—help stress the muscles so that they must repair and build up bigger and stronger. Be sure to supplement your workouts with adequate nutrition to be sure you are not creating a calorie deficit through exercise
Milk, juice and smoothies make calorie-dense alternatives to water. Avoid sugary sodas and soft drinks, which provide little nutrition with their calories. (Ooh how I love my Fanta.. )
Cardiovascular Exercise
Moderate cardiovascular exercise can help stimulate the appetite. Even those seeking to gain weight need aerobic activity to improve lung and heart health.
Junk Food
Junk food may contain significant calories, but very little nutrition. Eating too much processed foods, fast foods, refined sugars and white carbohydrates will encourage weight gain through fat, not through healthy lean muscle.
Starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, peas and corn offer more calories than their leafy green counterparts. Carbohydrates rich in whole grains are usually denser and provide more calories, fiber and nutrition than refined-flour versions.
These seem achievable, even though I have a family member who believes that eating white rice is the answer to my problem. He says it’s perfect because it’s easily digestible (unlike brown rice which can go right through some people), white rice doesn’t fill you up (so you’ll be hungry to eat more), it goes well with most meals, and it’s a great source of carbs.
Others believe that drinking lot of water also helps. “I want to gain weight”. That’s it. Deep down I know that if I’m to achieve this goal, I must follow these otherwise “simple” ways of living.
Hopefully, I will share the results once I’m successful. Till then – Keep safe.