Men must be selective so that they pick a treasure not baggage for their journey of love. This blog looks at types of women a man should avoid. Sometimes it’s not the problems of men that affect the success of relationships. Some women are a piece of work and you will require a human manual which has never been in existence. It is better to avoid some than spend money on countless counsellor therapies to understand what you will never know.
Songstress Desire Luzinda. (Courtesy Photo)
Psycho. She is just a drama manufacturing machine. This is not about her mood swings. The Ugandan word to define her will be Katala. She starts thinking after a crisis. This type of woman wants to harvest all attention on earth. She is the girl who wants all your attention on her and when it is not, it becomes a community problem. If she is the type who walks in a group, she will be offended if you hug other people before her.
Psycho woman can beep a hundred times and makes it look like they are actual missed calls. She will use any public place to throw her tantrums. She can actually text and post to your social media accounts more than 30 times a day. She will want to be with you every minute. The time she is not with you will amount to cheating. These women go to the extremes to duplicate your car and home keys because they are insecure. This is not damage any man will want to own all their life. She gets physical with any relationship disagreement. You may have to buy a new laptop or car after every misunderstanding with an aggressive woman. She should be avoided because she is miss super glue. You can never break up with her. It’s her to get fed up of you.
Indifferent. These women are artificial and will never be understanding. It is about their world and interests. They are selfish and literally beat you to swallowing her interests. The relationship will be peaceful if your focus on her interests and needs. These women are also known as egocentric. They are not bothered with other people’s feelings. They are usually the wasteful type. You may have to stock her yoghurt in the fridge before paying the Yaka electricity bill. She may take things on credit without your permission but hold up at gunpoint to clear the bills.
Cargo. This is the needy type of women. These are normally lazy and hate to work. She will get anything from you even if all you are left is fifty shillings. You may never have any personal related bonding conversation with her. She will always be listing her needs. She showers materialism every day. She is always asking for more like Oliver Twist. The Cargo type of woman is always on shopping sprees even when she visits you. She can even empty a man’s house of things she will not use as a woman.These women never pay for their date bills and taxi fares. These are brought up to understand that men shall provide. The good thing with this type of woman is that they are easily impressed. They only stay loyal if you can still provide. These are easy to detect by men but they are so cunning. They will seduce a man till he obeys without reasoning. Her slogan is simple ‘what belongs to him is all mine but what is hers belongs to no one else.
Family woman. This is a People pleaser. These value family and you come second after family. The relationship relies on input of relatives. Everything is a family affair. Actually simple proposals about the relationship will first be presented and approved in a clan meeting. These normally come from broken families. Such women struggle with Low self esteem. This one will run a relationship as they family wants it. She will cancel your date over an abrupt family gathering.
[related_posts]Project manager. She is always coming up with mysteries and you are a project to her. Her second name is ‘read my mind’. She expects a man to guess her thoughts at all times. She always expects her man to solve her puzzles. This type of woman uses puzzle responses to gauge their men’s level of love. This type of woman should be avoided; even a normal text reply may start a misunderstanding if you wrote ‘dia’ not dear. Few men are interested in dealing with constant guessing games.
Quite woman. These ones never talk and may never you know when they are pissed or happy. You are confused since you are not sure if she may poison you or not. For a man, a talkative woman is not a bad idea. Sharing a ride with this one is not a good idea. When there is no communication, any relationship can never survive.
Brainless. A woman who can not sustain an intellectual conversation with a man is annoying. You need an intelligent woman who will help with kids’ homework not the one who will use the homework paperwork to light a charcoal stove. Men actually enjoy women with some brains contrary to what has been said that men fear clever women. Less intelligent women are less confident and have low self esteem. Sense of humour by this kind of woman is usually farfetched. This one you a can not teach her anything including Google.
Drone chic. This one is a control freak. She simply spies and rears her man like a cow. She will Spy on anything including phones or social media. She will want to approve Facebook posts. You will explain your journey and spending details to her when she wants to. She will even check for dust on a car bonnet if you told her you drove within town. Everything has to be done her way after permission. For this woman, her ideal relationship is less about compatibility, differences, and compromise. She is only happy if she is in full remote control of everything involving her man. A man may experience mistreatment if she slightly earns more money. Run from this one if you believe we live in a free world.
Single mothers. All single mothers should be avoided but they are hard paper. Sometimes they are commit phobic. Divorced ones may be easier to copy with since they have necessary relationship experience. A football team of children and men attached to one woman is surely a joke to any man. Man may be drained physically, financially, emotionally with such a woman. So look elsewhere for if you cannot handle her. You can never be the president of her heart for long. You will have military over throws like you where in Africa.